Following BioInnovate, in September 2014, upon a generous award of Commercialisation Funding from Enterprise Ireland, Kevin co-founded and became CEO of Ostoform, working with BioInnovate team mate Rhona Hunt to develop and commercialise novel ostomy products. Ostoform’s cornerstone product "O'Seal" is an ostomy accessory for the prevention and reduction of peristomal skin complications for people with ileostomies. Awards won to date by Ostoform include: Seedcorn Best University Spin Out 2016, Enterprise Ireland Big Ideas "The one to watch" 2016, AIB Start-up Academy First Prize winners 2017, EIT Health 1 in 7 winners 2017, Best Idea Lucan LEO 2017, and Runner Up Best Business Category Ireland's Best Young Entrepreneur 2018. Enterprise Ireland have subsequently awarded Competitive Start Fund financing along with support from the European Commission (H2020) to help progress Ostoform towards commercialisation and further investment. Ostoform is run solely by Kevin upon the departure of his BioInnovate partner Rhona Hunt. The next stages of Ostoform is to close a first round of investment, begin scaled-up manufacture, take on more new employees, set up distribution, obtain FDA approval and CE marking, with the ambition to commercialise the invention in Q4 2018.