Adam has worked as a clinical doctor and surgeon in the Irish healthcare system for 7 years. After qualifying from University College Dublin with an honour’s degree, he began a career in paediatric surgery. Across this career, Adam has been exposed to many other surgical specialties, including general surgery, vascular surgery and urology. Following receipt of his completion of core surgical training, Adam pivoted from working as a paediatric surgery registrar into an Executive MBA at Smurfit Business School. He has funded his MBA by creating a limited company and working in new fields, including orthopaedic surgery and cardiovascular medicine. Adam also worked closely with the team rolling out COVID-19 vaccinations in one of the largest vaccination centres in Dublin. Adam has become comfortable contributing to high performing teams and making decisions in pressured situations throughout his surgical career. His MBA has led him to gain confidence in dealing with subject matter outside of his comfort zone and both have led to his deep belief in the benefit of working in a multidisciplinary team with team members of varying backgrounds, expertise and experience. The medical device industry will allow for maximum utilisation of all of Adam’s experiences to date and the BioInnovate programme is well known for catalysing a career in this space.